With 111 years of tradition, NAR joins TNI as international partener

With 111 years of tradition, NAR joins TNI as international partener

The Anniversary edition of the National Real Estate Trade Show in Romania - TNI- has the support and trust of the National Association of REALTORS®, as International Partner. The special event that is promotes the Romanian real estate opportunities takes place between 4-6 of October, at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Romania.
The National Real Estate Trade Show - TNI brings important benefits for all the exhibitors regarding business-to-consumer relations, but also from the business-to-business point of view, through the strategic partnerships that the organizers developed for the anniversary edition.

The National Association of REALTORS®, was founded as the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges on May 12, 1908 in Chicago. With 120 founding members, 19 Boards, and one state association, the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges' objective was "to unite the real estate men of America for the purpose of effectively exerting a combined influence upon matters affecting real estate interests."

The Association's founding boards included the Baltimore; Bellingham, Wash.; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Detroit; Duluth, Minn.; Gary, Ind.; Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles; Milwaukee; Minneapolis; Omaha, Neb.; Philadelphia; St. Louis; St. Paul, Minn.; Seattle; Sioux City, Iowa; and Tacoma, Wash., boards and the California State Realty Federation (now the California Association of REALTORS®).

Since 1908, the Association has held its annual conference in numerous U.S cities. 

The Code of Ethics was adopted in 1913 with the Golden Rule as its theme.

In 1916, the National Association of Real Estate Exchange's name was changed to The National Association of Real Estate Boards (NAREB). That same year, the term “REALTOR,” identifying real estate professionals who are members of the National Association and subscribers to its strict Code of Ethics, was devised by Charles N. Chadbourn, a past president of the Minneapolis Real Estate Board.

The collective marks REALTORS® and REALTOR® were registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on Sept. 13, 1949, and Jan. 10, 1950, respectively, under Registration Numbers 515,200 and 519,789. Since then, the association has maintained a vigilant defense of the trademarks, prevailing in numerous cases. Most recently, in Zimmerman v. NAR (2004), the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board denied a request to cancel the trademarks.

In 1972, the name of the National Association of Real Estate Boards was changed to the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). The block "R" logo was adopted by the Association in 1973.

In 1989, the Association adopted "The Voice for Real Estate" as its theme and as part of its official logo. Along with this theme, the Association encouraged its members to include the REALTOR® emblem on their business cards and stationery.

In 1991, NAR formalized its international programming with the creation of the International Section to administer the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation and other programs for international specialists. Today there are more than 2,800 CIPS REALTORS® and NAR continues to support International REALTORS® with dynamic global programming and partnerships.

In 1998, a national Public Advocacy Campaign was launched to educate consumers about the vital role REALTORS® play in the real estate transaction.

In 2008, NAR celebrated its centennial anniversary as the preeminent organization for the nation’s real estate professionals.