Despite the rumors and the problems from the local and international market, these are close to 17 billion euro.
On the other hand, a higher value is justified by the increase of the construction costs and by the rise in the price for lands.
According to the date supplied by the developers and real estate consultancy company, despite the difficulties from the real estate market, the value of the projects announced in the first six months of this year was with 10% higher, respective of over 16,94 billion euro, than the one promised in the same period of last year.
For all these the number of the projects dropped with almost 24,5% (158) .The explanation consists in the fact that the developers have focused on less projects, but of bigger dimensions.
Moreover, the value of the new projects is increased by the rise in the price for lands, construction materials and it is also increased by the costs for the labour force that are higher every day.
For the same reasons - lands, materials and wages, the rumored values were higher.
Besides the forecasted projects, the current ones were or will be extended.
Including new square meters was determined by the high demand on all segments and also by the delay in launching some new projects.
The value of the expansion in the current year is 30 times higher than in the first six months of last year, reaching to about 700 million euro.
The higher investment values in the real estate developments were also determined by the rise in the price for the construction materials, the increase of the wages, as also by the adjustment of the projects.
So, to the value of the projects announced in the first six months of the current year are also added more than two billion euro.
The new players on the market are the ones that have announced the biggest real estate projects in the first six months of the current year.
These own surfaces of ten hectares in Romania and are in the initial stages for achieving a project.
The complete accomplishment of the announced developments will take place in about ten years.
The first constructions, part of these big projects, could turn up in two, three years.
Unlike the past year, in the first semester of the current year, the diversity concerning the origin of the developers was more reduced.
So, in 2008, on the market, there are only American, Israeli, Romanian, Spanish, British, Hungarian, Greek, Turkey, Austrian and Italian developers.
On the other hand, the Irish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Belgian and Kazak developers have disappeared .
In both periods, the most of the announced projects are carried on the residential segment, even if during the current year the announced projects have dropped with 33% against last year.
But, the value of this type of projects was with over 6% higher, in the first six months of 2008.
The retail projects are ranked second in this top, in both periods, which however dropped with 20%, to 52, in the first semester of the current year.
Moreover, the value announced on this segment was with over 55% lower in the first six months, of almost 1,67 billion euro, against the similar period of last year.
The third position in top is occupied by the mixed projects, that have more functions, with over 30% less, of 16, in the first semester of the current year, but that however recorded a value with over 90% higher.
It must be mentioned that in 2008 the developers haven't announced anymore individual relaxation projects, but they have integrated them in mixed projects, giving them as bonus, in order to draw more buyers, especially on the residential segment.
Most of the projects have targeted Bucharest, as for last year as for the current year.
The number of projects was over 30% in the first six months of the current year, 55, but with a value with 67% higher against 2007, of more than 11 billion euro.
The capital city recorded about 50% of the number of projects announced in the first semester of last year in the entire country.
In the same period, the value of the projects from Bucharest represented over 70% from the total.
Excepting some small differences, the situation maintained constant also in the first six months of the current year.
With all these promised and announced values, it remains to be seen how many projects will be finalized.
The consultants say that during last years the "rule" it was that only 50 - 60 % to be finalized.